Mental health is important, Cuties!


Emergency Resources


PMRT - Psychiatric Mobile Response Team

Perform evaluations for individuals at risk of harming themselves or others

(310) 482-3260

West LA Psychiatric Emergency Team

Perform evaluations for individuals at risk of harming themselves or others

(310) 966-6500

Crisis Hotline

24hr daily psychiatric mobile response & access to services

(800) 854-7771

Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Hotline

Confidential support for those in distress; prevention and crisis resources for you

(310) 391-1253


Organizations & Platforms


Ethel’s Club

“Ethel Lucas was a matriarch figure in a tight-knit Black community whose home offered warmth, laughter, and care. Her belief in community as a practice lives on in her granddaughter, our Founder, and CEO, Naj Austin.

Our mission is inspired by Ethel — we create healing spaces that center and celebrate people of color through conversation, wellness, and creativity.”

California Black Women’s Health Project

“We are unapologetic about advocating on the premise of intrinsic value in the history and heritage of Black women, employing culturally competent interventions that are relevant, appropriate and effective.”

Dive in Well

“We believe we all have a right to be well, which means creating an equitable wellness industry. We provide the tools to empower both individuals and businesses in the digital form of digital workbooks, workshops, consulting, and corporate training.”

Inclusive Therapists


Seeking counseling or therapy can be a vulnerable process. To that, add the challenges that marginalized populations face such as micro-aggressions, prejudice, and language/ financial barriers. Getting the right help can become an overwhelming task. Finding a therapist should not feel like a gamble.

All identities in all bodies deserve equal access to quality, culturally responsive care.

Find a therapist who gets you.


(Meditation App)

Liberate is a subscription-based meditation app that includes practices and talks designed for the BIPOC community. We’ve curated content from 40+ BIPOC teachers with a diverse background in lineage, perspective, and approach so that everyone can find a practice in their voice.

The app is designed to support BIPOC people on their path to healing by naming and offering resources for common cultural experiences, like internalized racism and micro-aggressions.

The Breakdown
with Dr. Earl

(Mental Health Podcast)

Dr. Erlanger "Earl" Turner, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist, psychology professor, author, and nationally recognized mental health expert. He has been seen in numerous outlets such as Oprah Magazine, New York Times, and Washington Post. Join Dr. Earl as he shares his perspective as a Black male psychologist on the Breakdown with Dr. Earl Podcast.